1.08 版本固件开始提供


PITCH FIX - Antares Auto-Tune Reason

This processor can be used for live pitch correction. SPEED determines how fast the out-of-tune note reaches the correct pitch. AMOUNT determines how much pitch- shifting is applied. For instance, a setting of SPEED=100 and AMOUNT=10 will result in slight pitch corrections being applied immediately. On the contrary, a setting of SPEED=10 and AMOUNT=100 will result in notes being pitch-shifted until the exact note is reached but this correction will be applied slowly. High SPEED settings can result in artifacts which are sometimes used for creative purposes.

By default, all notes are active. However, any note can be disabled. When doing so, the PITCH FIX will not force the input signal to the closest active note. When a note is withing the range of the disabled note, it will be let through unprocessed.

Pitch Fix是一款自动音高校正器,它可以自动检测并校正音高偏差,从而使音高更加准确。它可以用于实时演奏,也可以用于录音。

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