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76 LIMITER AMP - UREI/Universal Audio 1176 FET Compressor

Inspired by the UREI 1176 released in 1967, the 76 LIMITER AMP offers extremely quick attack times (under 1 millisecond) which allow for a wide range of sonic results ranging from subtle compression to squashed tracks.

RATIO can be set to 4:1, 8:1, 12:1 or 20:1. Engineers used to press all buttons simultaneously on the analog unit to achieve extreme compression useful for room mics, for instance. This can be emulated by clicking on the ALL label.

Note that the threshold is fixed. As an alternative, the INPUT knob can be adjusted to control how much the signal goes beyond the threshold. The OUTPUT knob is used to compensate for changes made either by the INPUT knob or by the gain reduction itself.

The attack and release times get faster as the corresponding knobs are turned clockwise. ATTACK ranges from 800 μs at position 1, to 20 μs at position 7. RELEASE ranges from 1100 ms at position 1 to 50 ms at position 7.

  • 对鼓、人声、贝斯、平行压缩都很好。
  • 阈值是固定的,输入驱动电平上升到阈值,输出增益补偿压缩和可能的输入增加。
  • 非常快的启动和释放。
  • 定时旋钮与正常相反:1 最慢,7 最快。

1176 是一款经典的 FET 压缩器,以速度快而闻名,也因为它能在一些音源上以许多人喜欢的方式进行失真。这对 X/M32 用户来说应该很熟悉,因为它是效果器架上为数不多的模拟模型处理器之一。有一个“所有按钮都在”的模式,包括在比率中的常见技巧,增加压缩和失真。1176 是一个经典的压缩器,但需要一些经验,所以这是一个很好的机会,可以设置一个虚拟试音,学习如何设置启动和释放时间(数字越低越慢,数字越高越快)。

这个压缩机/限幅器,也可以在压缩机部分和插入部分使用,但我可以想象在噪声门部分使用 1176 或 LA2A,以便在压缩机槽中使用另一个压缩机或效果器。(记住,效果器槽可以重新排序)。

Great on drums, vocals, bass, parallel compression. Threshold is fixed, Input drives level up into the threshold, output gain compensates for compression and possible input increase. Very fast attack and release. Timing knobs are reversed from normal: 1 slowest through 7 fastest.


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